President and Founder of GlobalNews® Group
Entrepreneur and media expert, especially interested in the new challenges and transformations facing the digital world, the media and the information industry, and in how the information ecosystem must adapt to evolve and allow better decision making.
I am president and founder of GlobalNews® Group , the main source of media monitoring and evaluation in Latin America with presence in 10 countries in the region. Founded in 1998, GlobalNews® Group was recognized internationally with multiple awards. I also invest in startups with technology, regional capacity and sustainability.
I hold leadership positions as chair of the Business Committee of the World Innovation and Change Management Institute (WICMI), based in Geneva; and as a member of the advisory council of the community of entrepreneurs INICIA.
I am a Professional Company Director for the Institute of Business and Public Governance (IGEP), a member of the Global Network of Director Institutes. I have a strong commitment to the development of women in business and economic activities, I am a mentor of Vital Voices since its launch in Argentina and Vice President of the Executive Committee of the organization for the Southern Cone.
Before founding GlobalNews® Group, I worked as a press consultant for various governmental and international organizations; as a media analyst and foreign press coordinator; and as a journalist in various radios, magazines and newspapers.
I gave conferences and seminars in Latin America, and taught media content analysis at the University of El Salvador in Argentina. I also contributed to the publication of two books on communication.